贪心法(二) 粒子

soj 1035 –DNA matching
soj 1681 –Matchsticks
soj 1620 –SCVs and minerals
soj 2503 –最长字符串
soj 1783 –Large is Better
soj 8536 –Happy Camper
soj 6771 –Class Packing


题号:soj 1035 --DNA matching


#include <set>
int matching(int n){
	static char match_str[127];
	match_str['A'] = 'T';
	match_str['T'] = 'A';
	match_str['G'] = 'C';
	match_str['C'] = 'G';
	int matchNum = 0;
	multiset<string> S;
	string str, matchedStr;
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i){// n条DNA
		cin >> str;
		matchedStr = "";
		for (int j = 0; j < str.size(); ++j){
			matchedStr += match_str[str[j]];
		if (S.count(matchedStr)){
			++ matchNum;
		else {
	return matchNum;


题号:soj 1681 --Matchsticks


string minNum(int matchsticks){//不喜用switch-case语句
	if (matchsticks == 2)	return "1";
	else if (matchsticks == 3)	return "7";
	else if (matchsticks == 4)	return "4";
	else if (matchsticks == 5)	return "2";
	else if (matchsticks == 6)	return "6";
	else if (matchsticks == 7)	return "8";	
	else if (matchsticks == 8) 	return "10";
	else if (matchsticks == 10) 	return "22";
	else {
		string min1= minNum(matchsticks - 7) + "8";
		string min2 = minNum(matchsticks - 6) + "0";
		if (min1.size() < min2.size() || min1 < min2)	return min1;
		else return min2;

string maxNum(int matchsticks){
	string tmp = "";
	if (matchsticks % 2 == 0) {
		for (int i = 0; i < matchsticks/2; ++i) {
			tmp += "1";
	else {
		tmp = "7";
		matchsticks -= 3;
		for (int i = 0; i < matchsticks / 2; ++i) {
			tmp += "1";
	return tmp;

此题有两个坑:1. 题目要求”no leading zeroes”,这里也包括了一位数的情况,即给定6根火柴棒时最小数不取0。 2. 虽然火柴数为9的情况可以由递归解决但为10时不可,所以也需另外给出。


题号:soj 1620 --SCVs and minerals
题目:游戏“ StarCraft”设定为,最初您有N个SCV和M个mineral。每个SCV可以在一秒钟内获得C个mineral,而指挥中心可以立即用P个mineral生产1个SCV。求在S秒后可获得的最多的mineral数量。


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
	int testNum = 0;
	cin >> testNum;
	for (int i = 0; i < testNum; ++i) {
		int N, M, C, P, S;
		cin >> N >> M >> C >> P >> S;	
		for (int j = 0; j < S; ++j) {
			if ((S - j) * C >= P) {//P是获得一个SCV的成本,(S-j)*C是该SCV能带来的收入
				N += M / P;
				M %= P;
			M += N * C;
		cout << M << endl;


题号:soj 2503 --最长字符串
题目:要求你构造一个由字符'A','B'组成的字符串, 满足以下几个条件:
1) A的个数<=countA
2) B的个数<=countB
3) 连续的A的个数不可以超过maxA.
4) 连续的B的个数不可以超过maxB.
5) 这个字符串的长度最长.
给定countA, countB, maxA, maxB, 求输出字符串的最大长度。



#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;

int handler(int countA, int countB, int maxA, int maxB) {//以A为基准,以B为分隔符
	if (maxA == 0)	return min(maxB, countB);
	if (maxB == 0)	return min(maxA, countA);

	int despNum = ceil(countB / maxB);//ceil()向上取整,即前n-1组B的数量同,最后一组可能不同
	if (countA > despNum)	return min(countA + countB, countB + (despNum + 1) * maxA);
	else return	countA + min(countB, (countA+1)*maxB);

int main() {
	int countA, countB, maxA, maxB;
	cin >> countA >> countB >> maxA >> maxB;
	int len1 = handler(countA, countB, maxA, maxB);
	int len2 = handler(countB, countA, maxB, maxA);
	cout << max(len1, len2) << endl;

题号:soj 1783 --Large is Better


#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main() {
	int testNum;
	cin >> testNum;
	while (testNum--) {
		string str1;
		cin >> str1;
		int length = str1.size();

		if (length == 1) {
			cout << str1 << endl;

		string::iterator iter1 = str1.begin();
		string::iterator iter2 = iter1;
		for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
			if (*iter2 == '0') {
				sort(iter1, iter2, greater<>());
				iter1 = iter2+1;
		sort(iter1, iter2, greater<>());
		cout << str1 << endl;

题号:soj 8536 --Happy Camper
题目:设整数1<L<P<V,在任何连续的P天时间里,露营地的占用限于L天。Harry Camper拥有V天的假期。请问假期期间,他最多可以露营地住多少天?


#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;

int main() {
	int L, P, V;
	int caseNum = 1;
	while (cin >> L >> P >> V) {
		if (!(L && P && V))	return 0;

		int maxDays = 0;
		int despNum = V / P;
		maxDays += L * despNum;

		if (despNum * P < V) {
			maxDays += min(L, V - despNum * P);
		cout << "Case " << caseNum << ": " << maxDays << endl;


题号:soj 6771 --Class Packing
   2: 拥有年级0-2的学生的班级,其人数最多为20。
   3: 拥有年级3-4的学生的班级,其人数最多为25。
   4: 拥有年级5-6的学生的班级,其人数最多为30。

emmm…看提示之前是思绪是非常乱的…纠结于how to divide them…Fine其实正确思路再简单不过了:如果人数多的话,将他们尽量分配到同一个班的结果是理想的(因为如果分配到其他的班,可能会影响到高年级的班级的容量);如果人数有剩下的话,就从其上一年级中调派人员过来,使得该班的容量填满。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
	int grade[7];
	while (cin >> grade[0] >> grade[1] >> grade[2] >> grade[3] >> grade[4] >> grade[5] >> grade[6]) {
		bool flag = true;
		for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
			if (grade[i] != 0) {
				flag = false;
		if (flag)	return 0;

		int limits[7] = { 20, 20, 20, 25, 25, 30, 30 };

		int num = 0;
		int left = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {
			while (grade[i] > 0) {
				if (left != 0 && grade[i-1] < 0) {
					grade[i] -= left;
					left = 0;
				if (grade[i] < limits[i]) {
					left = limits[i] - grade[i];
				grade[i] -= limits[i];			
		cout << num << endl;



